The *Pikachu* meme has multiple variations, but one of the most iconic is the *Surprised Pikachu* meme. It comes from the 1997 *Pokémon* anime, where Pikachu displays a shocked expression. The meme format, which became popular in 2018, pairs an obvious or predictable action with Pikachu’s surprised face, humorously mocking people who act shocked by foreseeable consequences. Another variation is *Detective Pikachu*, taken from the 2019 movie, often used for reaction memes. Pikachu’s expressive face and cultural significance make it a widely adaptable meme, continuing to evolve across social media platforms like Twitter, Reddit, and Instagram.
How to use the Meme Generator?
The Meme Generator is a free online tool for adding custom text, images, and more to templates. Use it to
customize established memes or create new ones from scratch.
How to Make a Meme
Choose a Template: Select from popular templates, search user-uploaded templates, or
upload your own.
Add Customizations: Use the buttons next to the canvas to add text, images, stickers,
drawings, and spacing.
Create and Share: Click 'Generate Meme' and choose how to share it—via social
apps, a link, or download it to your device.
Customizing Your Meme
Move and Resize: Drag text boxes around. Enable drag/drop on mobile devices.
Text Customization: Change font color and outline, and use the gear icon to select from
over 1,300 free fonts or any installed on your device.
Stickers and Images: Add stickers, images, and effects like opacity, resizing, and
Drawing Tools: Draw or scribble on your meme.
Meme Chains: Create chains of multiple images.
More Than Memes
The Meme Generator is versatile for creating posters, banners, advertisements, and custom graphics.